I just came home from the two day event at the famous MITAGS maritime institute school in Baltimore. Thanks to Lee Chesneau, the yachtsmen’s weather expert, Frank Bohlen Oceanographer specialist and professor of Marine Sciences at the University of Connecticut, and the world famous author and authority on sailing and seamanship, John Rousmaniere. This event was jam packed with great information that will help to keep us cruising folks knowledgeable, comfortable, and safe when sailing.
The lectures and break -out sessions combined together knowledge of weather, oceanography, seamanship, and outfitting. All these four topics were intertwined to give an overall understanding of what a captain and crew should know before setting out on any length of voyage, near or far, inland lake or Trade Wind ocean passage. All sailors should be aware of the implications of weather, sea state, seamanship and the right equipment before leaving the dock.
The MITAGS venue is really the best for this kind of lecture and hands on series of good, and necessary, information passed on to the attendees. The campus has a lovely hotel with a great dining room. The hotel on campus can provide all meals, and this gave everyone a chance to not only eat very well, but to socialize with each other at meals.
The classrooms were very comfortable with large leather swivel arm chairs. Everything was a perfect setting amongst the history of the maritime merchant marine institute.
Even though I was a speaker, I could honestly say there was so much to learn from Lee, Frank, and John, and me, that the event will have to be lengthened to three days in the future. This indicates how much information was passed on during those two very packed days of instruction.
I invite you to attend the next event that is already in the planning stage for this spring.
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